
ComAp Announces the new InteliNano AMF 5. Making Single Gen-set Control Simple

ComAp announces the new addition to their entry-level controller family – InteliNano AMF 5. InteliNano AMF 5 is a controller for small to medium-sized single gen-set applications that is easy to set up, user friendly and adheres to the latest industry requirements. With built-in Auto Mains Failure functionality, InteliNano AMF 5 secures seamless power transfer between the mains and a backup gen-set during power outages. On top of that, it also includes the Manual Remote Start (MRS) mode that provides ease of use of your gen-set directly on the controller or remotely. InteliNano AMF 5 is set to be released in Q2/2024.

“InteliNano AMF 5 is ComAp’s entry level controller, which provides reliable and user-friendly gen-set control for small to medium-sized standby applications, ensuring our customers that with smart control solution, their power supply will never fail, and their generating assets will be working within safety limits, efficiently and with prolonged lifetime period,” says Ladislav Kutis, Product Manager for the InteliNano controllers.

Among newly implemented features in the latest InteliNano controller belong:

  • 3-phase current measurement ensures that the gen-set runs within safety limits
  • 5V output on board the controller for the power supply of sensors
  • Emergency Stop for increased safety measures, switching off the gen-set operation in the fastest possible way
  • Optional remote communication plug-in module.

Easily configured and monitored remotely

InteliNano AMF 5 can be easily configured via ComAp´s InteliConfig software, which makes controller set-up easy and fast. By adding a communication plug-in module to InteliNano AMF 5, customers can access and monitor their controllers from anywhere with ComAp´s InteliSCADA software or WebSupervisor cloud service.

For more information, please visit InteliNano AMF 5 product page.

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